17 October 2008

Homemade Entertainment

+ += Entertainment

There are many individuals who should not even be allowed near guns, let alone touch or own one. I am sure that in our younger days, my brothers and I fell into this category. My older brother however managed to get himself a BB gun for his Birthday one year, and suddenly our minds were filled with a cornucopia of ideas, many not too smart.

Not all of our ideas were terrible however, including a rather genius idea involving water balloons and a tomato plant cage. Picture the following scenario in your mind.
  1. Stand tomato plant cages firmly in ground
  2. Attach fishing line between cages
  3. Tie water balloons directly to cage, and hanging from fishing line
  4. Place large tarp behind cages
  5. Distance yourself from cage
  6. Take turns shooting balloons

Wondering where our parents were during all of this? My mother would ask if we were being safe, and then remain indoors. My father? Well, he learned pretty quick that from the opposite end of the backyard, you have to aim a little high.

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